
10 tips to move more

High time to do something about it! With the tips below you get more out of your day.

The importance of movement
Exercising is vital. Insufficient exercise is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, certain forms of cancer, type II diabetes, osteoporosis, anxiety, depression, and even dementia. It is estimated that more than 8,000  people die prematurely each year as a result of lack of physical exercise. In short, if you want to live longer and healthier, you have to come from that couch or chair more often.

How much do you have to move?

For adults and the elderly, the new guidelines are as follows:

Exercise is good, more exercise is better.
Do at least 150 minutes per week in moderately intensive exercise, such as walking and cycling, spread over several days. Longer, more frequent and/or more intensive exercise gives extra health benefits.
Do muscle and bone strengthening activities at least twice a week, combined with balance exercises for the elderly.
Avoid sitting still.
For children, the new directive is slightly different:

1. Map the amount of movement
Do you know how much you move in a day? Use a pedometer or app to keep track of your set steps. Read here how many steps a day is healthy. Want to know more about the usefulness of pedometers? Read here the advantages and disadvantages.

2. Make a productive moment extra productive
Make a walk a productive moment: combine it with that one phone call that you have to commit, listen to an audiobook, let your dog or rabbit stay extra long or practice your presentation. Or meet with that one friend who sees you too little. You can also take an active break during strength training. So instead of sitting on a bench ,you walk around.

3. Go to work by walking or cycling
Walk to the supermarket / city / cinema / friends night instead of choosing a vehicle with wheels.

4. Get up, walk
Get up 20 minutes earlier and walk as soon as you get out of bed. So you start the day actively and feel already fresh before you have showered anyway.

5. Get coffee or tea for your colleagues
Make miles in the boss's time. You do this for example - very nice of you - to get coffee more often for your colleagues, to take the stairs instead of the elevator, or to park your car in a parking lot. Or always go one floor higher or lower to the toilet. Grab the lunch break to go for a block. Involve a few colleagues as a stick behind the door. Also ideal as a network moment!

6. Park further and / or get off the metro earlier
Are you going somewhere by car? Park him a kilometer from your final destination. So you walk quite a few steps. The same applies to public transport. Just get off a stop too early.

7. Classic: ignore the elevator
We must name him anyway, because many people apparently forget this. Grab where it can take the stairs instead of the elevator. Also literally escape the escalator by taking the classic staircase. Skip a step to train your buttocks and thighs extra.

8. Active trips
Do not go with too much calories with your date to work at a mediocre pub quiz, but go exercise together or take a long walk through the forest.

9. Enjoy movement
The most important thing: enjoy it! A loop session will be extra pleasant thanks to a beautiful route, a sunset, music, interesting company, spring, or unexpected events. No walk is the same!

10. Make a sport of more exercise
Go see opportunities for extra movement everywhere. And see it as a sport to move more. Does your train have a delay? Go for a walk instead of standing chill on the platform. Take your friends with love on your bike. See how long you can cycle standing. Offer your old neighbor a help at home. Develop green fingers. Climb into a tree. Do a dance every day. An additional advantage of all these things is that your mood is improved.

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